the second you stop to fire, you're off target again, and holding your breath seems to do very little in terms of stabilizing your shot. I found it incredibly frustrating lying prone, and trying to get a shot on a target not very far away, but the weapon was floating all over the place, to me, in a real life shooting situation, a trained sniper would be able to stop this before it even starts by controlling their weapon.īut in Arma 3, the character seems to have absolutely no control over the weapon, and you find your weapon drifting a fair bit away from your target, for example, I was aiming at a target lying prone under a tree, while trying to hit that target, my scope(zoomed in) reached far beyond the top of the tree and I was looking up at the sky by the time it had peaked.Īttempting to control the rifle yourself provides only more frustration, as constant adjustments are needed to even get the cross hair over your target. That issue is the amount of sway when using a sniper rifle.
This mod isn't mine in any way shape or form, but it addresses one of the more annoying issues in Arma 3 in the most customizable way. For any Arma 3 goers here, I suggest you check this out.